Past Exhibition
Frieze Masters 2023 - The Distribution of Ideas
The Distribution of Ideas: For Frieze Masters 2023, ARCHEUS / POST-MODERN exhibited work by three artists for whom the production of editions was an important part of their overall practice and which served to distribute their ideas more widely. Each of the artists: Bridget Riley, Hughie O’Donoghue and Ed Ruscha may be predominantly known as painters, however each would fiercely defend their interest in printmaking and the vital role it plays within their image making processes.
11 October - 15 October 2023
Frieze Masters, Regent's Park, London

Past Exhibition
The Armory Show 2023
For The Armory Show 2023, ARCHEUS / POST-MODERN brought together works by various artists for whom the production of editions was an important part of their overall practice and which served to distribute their ideas more widely. Keith Haring produced well over 100 prints and many more editions in various media throughout his brief career yet is chiefly remembered as a street artist, painter and producer of public art projects. In the late 1980s, the artist's only active decade, he advanced from cult creator of chalk subway drawings to founder of the Pop Shop, literally a New York store built to distribute his creations in editioned form. For each of the 8-10 artists examined, we presented an unique work and examples of related, editioned, work.
7 September - 10 October 2023
The Armory Show,

Past Exhibition
Pierre Soulages: Une Lumière Infinie
“To combine the two practices in a single exhibition throws a more complete light on one of the longest careers in art history.” – Brian Balfour-Oatts, Director of ARCHEUS / POST-MODERN
1 February - 12 February 2023
Phillips, Berkeley Square, London

Past Exhibition
Frieze Masters 2022 - Behind the Line
For Frieze Masters 2022, ARCHEUS/POST-MODERN took a look at the development of an artist's signature line over time illustrating how, and explaining why, this changes. Taking Bridget Riley, for example, we were able to exhibit unique works from 1977 and 1979, the beginning of a period of great development for the artist charting a transition from the twisted curve to the simple stripe. A similar tale of progression was illustrated in the work of artists Keith Haring and A.R Penck, both proponents of a primitive but vastly different linear practice. Haring's journey from the street to the slick commercialism of the Pop Shop makes a fascinating visual travelogue. Penck braved censorship, suppression and forced emigration from East Germany to develop his repertoire of now-familiar neo-primitivist imagery, influencing many younger artists searching for a simplified and more accessible visual language.
12 October - 16 October 2022
Frieze Masters, Regent's Park, London, Booth E13

Past Exhibition
Frieze Masters 2021 - Once More With Feeling
For Frieze Masters 2021 - a joint presentation with Schacky Art, Düsseldorf - we presented a diverse group of important 20thC artists and explored aspects of their practices with two or more works by each of them. It can be a fascinating visual exercise to compare and contrast works by the same artist. Questions present themselves involuntarily: Is this earlier or later? Why the fascination with this theme in particular? Which one appeals to me more? Whilst this is an experience occurring naturally in a single artist show, it quickly becomes lost in exhibitions involving many artists. In Once More With Feeling comparison is the whole point and brings with it the process of weighing up, judgement, of observation and differentiation.
13 October - 17 October 2021
Frieze Masters, Regent's Park, London

Past Exhibition
FRIEZE MASTERS 2020 - Hard Lines – Origins and Aspects of Hard Edge Painting
We, and our friends Schacky Art in Düsseldorf, are excited to share this preview of our first joint participation in Frieze Masters with you. When we began planning Hard Lines – Origins and Aspects of Hard Edge Painting, it seemed quite plausible to hope that the fair would still take place in Regent’s Park. Since then, however, the pandemic has remained with us and Frieze Masters is an online edition this year. We are pleased though, to be part of the fair’s very smart virtual showrooms as well as to present a selection of works in our actual spaces in Düsseldorf and London. The presentation will focus on the origins and development of hard edge abstraction on both sides of the Atlantic during the middle of the 20th century. Access to the Frieze Masters Viewing Room is open from 12pm BST on 9th October at viewingroom.frieze.com ending 16th October.
9 October - 16 October 2020
Frieze Masters online viewing room

Past Exhibition
Pierre Soulages at 100
Painting and Prints from 7 Decades of Work.
5 March - 8 March 2020
The Armory Show, Booth 204 - Pier 90, New York City