Taller Popular de Serigrafía
El Taller Popular de Serigrafía (The People's Screen‐Printing Workshop) is a group of revolutionary printmakers that was active between 2002 and 2007 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Founded by Diego Posadas, Mariela Scafati and Magdalena Jitrik, El T.P.S. was one of the most significant groups in socio-political art, forming after a period of great national unrest in Argentina. Using silk-screen printing to react quickly to current political events, the group’s participants turned their works into an instrument of social struggle. Whilst taking part in demonstrations they often drew images on the clothes of the ralliers, and in particular created posters and leaflets which are now collected and exhibited in mainstream institutions.
During the years 2002-2007, the members of El Taller Popular de Serigrafía changed, and it included at least 15 artists during its existence. Its main representatives in the period 2006-2007 were Verónica di Toro, Karina Granieri, Magdalena Jitrik and Carolina Katz.
In 2006 El T.P.S. participated, with several other Latin American artists, in the Zoo Portfolio Latin American edition, a portfolio of works curated by Adriano Pedrosa, published by Archeus and sold to raise funds for the Zoo Art Fair for emerging artists.
The San Diego Museum of Art hold many examples of Taller Popular de Serigrafía's work.
Featured Artists
- Ancart Harold
- Andre Carl
- Avery Milton
- Baldessari John
- Barnes Ernie
- Brice Lisa
- Castellani Enrico
- Crawford Brett
- Dadamaino
- Dávila Jose
- de Tollenaere Saskia
- Downing Thomas
- Dyson Julian
- Elsner Slawomir
- Freud Lucian
- Gadsby Eric
- Gander Ryan
- Guston Philip
- Haring Keith
- Held Al
- Hockney David
- Katz Alex
- Kentridge William
- Knifer Julije
- Le Parc Julio
- Leciejewski Edgar
- Levine Chris
- LeWitt Sol
- Marchéllo
- Mavignier Almir da Silva
- Miller Harland
- Modé João
- Morellet François
- Nadelman Elie
- Nesbitt Lowell Blair
- O'Donoghue Hughie
- Odita Odili Donald
- Perry Grayson
- Picasso Pablo
- Pickstone Sarah
- Prehistoric Objects
- Quinn Marc
- Riley Bridget
- Ruscha Ed
- Serra Richard
- Shrigley David
- Smith Anj
- Smith Richard
- Smith David
- Soto Jesús Rafael
- Soulages Pierre
- Spencer Stanley
- Taller Popular de Serigrafía
- The Connor Brothers
- Turk Gavin
- Vasarely Victor
- Wood Jonas