Sebastian Gögel
Sebastian Gögel is a German artist living and working in Leipzig. Gögel is a graduate of the famous Leipzig Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, where he studied under Prof. Sighard Gille.
Wantonly various in his output, working methods, subject matter and concerns, Gögel fits into an unique tradition of German polymath artists / conceptualists populated by the likes of Blinky Palermo and Martin Kippenberger.
Fellow artist Oliver Kossack recognises “Sebastian Gögel is neither interested in proclaiming a morality of pessimism about the ways of the world, nor in defending with a quasi-religious arrogance the advantages of representationalism. Rather, driven by a ludic urge to assert and question his subjectivity as an artist, he posits questions as to the problematics of form and the resulting consequences for the artist subject. By means of exaggeration, caricature and grotesque, Gögel simultaneously employs and invalidates morality and representationalism to visualise urgent questions of a bourgeoisie, which is left to its own educational devices. That too, is
a moral issue, yet on a different level.”
Sebastian Gögel's work is held in the following notable collections:
Arario Collection, Korea
Gemeentemuseum, The Hague
Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam
Museum der bildenden Kuenste, Leipzig
Sammlung Hildebrand, Leipzig
SØR Rusche Sammlung Oelde/Berlin
Sparkasse Leipzig
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Kunstfonds
Zabludowicz Art Trust
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