Untitled (Kaori, 2004)
In Untitled (Kaori, 2004), Araki's lover, dressed in a patterned kimono reminiscent of a Hokusai print, reveals herself to her paramour - simultaneously inviting and other-worldly. This c-print was published to accompany the deluxe edition of the book Self, Life and Death, and is presented in a specially produced print folder alongside the slipcased book. Both are sold together.
The publication of Self, Life and Death provides the most comprehensive overview yet of Araki's prolific 40-year career. Araki's key series of works are included alongside many rare and previously unpublished photographs. Featuring an interview and essays by writers from Japan and Europe, this book examines Araki from a broad range of perspectives and gives a cultural context to his work. Also included are a large selection of Araki's writings, translated into English for the first time, as well as complete illustrated and annotated bibliography of his own books. Reflecting Araki's principle of 'I-photography', the book is divided into three sections that follow the main recurring themes in his work: Self, Life and Death.
Additional information
Print folder: 530 x 425 mm (20 7/8 x 16 3/4 inches)
Printed in 2005 in an edition of 100 plus 5 artist's proofs
All copies are signed and numbered by Nobuyoshi Araki
290 x 214 mm (11 3/8 x 8 3/8 inches)
720 pp
400 colour, 800 black and white illustrations
Untitled (Kaori, 2004)
- Medium
- C-print
- Date
- 2005
- Sheet
- 39.8 x 49.7 cm
- Image
- 39.4 x 49.3 cm
- Edition
- From the edition of 100, signed and numbered by the artist
- Publisher
- Phaidon Press
- Literature
- Issued with the deluxe special edition of Self, Life and Death
- Reference
- AD0005
- Status
- No Longer Available
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